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Monday, 12 May 2014


To leverage the contemporary information economy, you need to consult with experts who can help you figure out what your requirements are, and who will in turn provide solutions that fits these requirements adequately. This is where EOI KONCEPT comes in. 
We are an Information Technology (IT) outfit that is registered to provide IT services in Nigeria. Our area of specialties covers Enterprise Portals design, hosting and management. We also provide specialize IT services such as proprietary applications design, customized IT training services that enhances your productivity and we undertake business processes reengineering to leverage IT effectively.
We have garnered vast experiences in our areas of operations overtime and we have become very proficient. We provide solutions that are tailored to meet your unique needs, and at the same time, in line with your prevailing operating environment regulations. We are a part of a consortium of IT firms who can readily access the necessary level of skills and the mobilization of other resources needed for timely delivery of projects

E-Solutions seeks to solve business problems through the use of cost-effective technology solutions. We focus on addressing operational monitoring, fraud, compliance and business risk issues using a mix of chosen partners or in-house developed solutions. Initially focussed within the financial services sector we have a growing base of customers from other segments such as health and government

Solutions Offered

Beneficiaries of our Solutions

Here are names and websites of organizations and institutions that have benefited from their handy expatriate you could be one of them
·         Goldenbunchs schools – www.goldenbunchschools.com
·         Oneal schools – www.onealschools.com
·         Tifedayos group of schools – www.tifedayoschools.com
·         Sidmarcschools – www.sidmarcschools.com
Shepherdhill schools – www.shepherdhillcomproschools.com

for more info and enquires call 08061550895 
or send us a mail   ifeanyi@eoikonceptng.com
visi our website @ www.eoikonceptng.com

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